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Aurelia Faidley-Solars, From the Top alum, performs the world premiere of Alessandro Spazzoli’s Canzoni Burlesche!

From the Top alum Aurelia Faidley-Solars performs Bach’s Cello Suite Number 3 in C Major.

Aurelia’s performance provides a perfectly peaceful trip to a state of mind that only Bach can provide!

Learning and Media Lab

When I was on From the Top, we were in a special class called “Learning and Media Lab” where we met with students, faculty, and guest artists over a 4-week period.  We discussed storytelling, vulnerability, recordings, creating media, the varied lives of artists, community engagement, and then a reflection.  “Investigate the questions, realizations, and points of inspiration you had over the course of the Learning and Media Lab. Articulate some ways the learning and connections you have made can catalyze your own artistic vision and/or pathway moving forward.”  I am very proud of my project.   It is here if you’d like to watch it! 

Watch some of Aurelia's rehearsal with From the Top's Peter Dugan

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